Conference Programme

The ITRC 2022 programme includes keynote speakers, oral and poster presentations, industry networking opportunities, technical tours, social events and much more. The programme will focus on increased sustainability by a multidisciplinary approach; science in action by ready-to-use research; and mobilising forces from academia to industry. 

Thematic areas
Establishment and maintenance; Soil physics, soil chemistry and soil biology; Integrated pest panagement - Weed biology and control, diseases, insect pests and nematodes; Genetics and breeding; Physiology / stress physiology; Environmental impacts; Biodiversity and ecosystem services; Precision management - New technologies and measurements. 


ITRC 2022 Programme
- Development & Sustainability
Sunday 10 July
10:00 – 14:00Pre-Conference ITS Board meeting
13:30 – 18:00Registration
15.00 – 18.00Industry seminar (>> Find the detailed programme for the seminar here)
15.00 – 15:20    Introduction and Keynote presentation by Syngenta
15:20 – 16:10    Session 1, DLF Seeds and Science, Husqvarna, Nufarm
16:10 – 16:25    Discussion
16:25 – 16:45    Break
16:45 – 17:45    Session 2, BAYER, Capillary Hydroponics, TourTurf, PBI Gordon, The Toro Company
17:45 – 18:00    Discussion and summing up
19:00 – 21:00Welcome Reception at the Copenhagen Plant Science Center (CPSC)
Monday 11 July
07:00 – 17:00Registration
07:00 – 08:00Poster set up
08:30 - 10:30Opening ceremony incl. invited keynote speakers, and plenary presentations based on 2-3 voluntary papers addressing UN development goals. 
10:00 – 10:30Coffee & Exhibition
10:30 - 12:00Opening ceremony incl. invited keynote speakers, and plenary presentations based on 2-3 voluntary papers addressing UN development goals. 
12:00 – 13:30Lunch, poster viewing & exhibition
13:30 – 14:50Plenary session: 
Historic development of turfgrass research and future opportunities
14:50 – 15:15Coffee & Exhibition
15:15 - 17:003 break-out sessions: 
 Room 1: Interdisciplinary session 1:  Turfgrass water and nutrient balance: Environmental impacts.
 Room 2: Thematic session 1:  Irrigation and the use of soil surfactants.
 Room 3: Thematic session 2: Turfgrass physiology.
17:00 – 19:00Poster session including drinks/snacks
19:00 – 20:00ITS symposium in memory of Dr. James Beard 
Tuesday 12 July
09:00 – 22:00One-Day Practitioner Seminar including
”Eat your golf course”
See separate programme
07:00 – 17:00Registration
08:30 – 10:002 break-out sessions: 
 Room 1: Interdisciplinary session 2:  Turfgrass Ecosystem Services.
 Room 2: Thematic session 3: New Technologies in Turfgrass Management.
10:00 – 10:30Coffee & Exhibition
10:30 - 12:002 break-out sessions:
 Room 1: Thematic session 4:  Turfgrass establishment and maintenance (I).
 Room 2: Thematic session 5:  Turfgrass genetics and breeding (I).
12:00 – 13:30Lunch, poster viewing & exhibition
13:30 – 15:003 break-out sessions:

Room 1: Thematic session 4: Turfgrass establishment and maintenance  (II).

 Room 2: Thematic session 5:  Turfgrass genetics and breeding (II).
 Room 3: Student competition (I).
15:00 – 15:30Coffee & Exhibition
15:30 - 17:003 break-out sessions:
 Room 1: Thematic session 4:  Turfgrass establishment and maintenance (III).
 Room 2: Thematic session 5:  Turfgrass genetics and breeding (III).
 Room 3: Student competition (II).
17:00 – 19:00Poster session including drinks/snacks
Wednesday 13 July
07:00 – 22:00Technical tours. All tours will end at DLF Seeds and Science experimental station for BBQ after the tours.
Thursday 14 July
07:00 – 17:00Registration
07:00  08:00Poster set up
08:30 – 10:30Interdisciplinary session III (Plenum): Integrated Pest management
10:30 – 11:00Coffee & Exhibition
11:00 – 12:002 break-out sessions: 
 Room 1: Thematic session 6:  Turfgrass weed control (I)
 Room 2: Thematic session 7:  Turfgrass pests and diseases (I)
12:00 – 13:00Lunch, poster viewing & exhibition
13:00 – 15:002 break-out sessions:
 Room 1: Thematic session 6:  Turfgrass weed control (II)
 Room 2: Thematic session 7:  Turfgrass pests and diseases (II)
15:00 - 15:30Poster session including drinks/snacks
15:30 – 17:00ITS Quadrennial meeting, including student presentation award
19:00 - 24:00Conference dinner at Axelborg

Friday 15 July


08:30 – 10:00

Symposium:  Winter Stresses of Turfgrass (I):

Moderator: Eric Watkins


-Eric Watkins: WinterTurf: A new approach to studying turfgrass winter stresses


Trygve Aamlid: Covering greens to reduce winter stress damage


Paul Koch: Development of disease prediction models for snow moulds




Symposium: Turfgrass Management in the Transition Zone (I):

8.30-9.00: General Introduction

-Alessandro De Luca, Massimo Mocioni - Green Section of Italian Golf Federation

-Simone Magni, Marco Volterrani - Certes of Pisa University

09.00: Actions in Europe

- Diego Gomez de Barreda – Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

-Stefano Macolino - Padua University

09.30: Actions in Asia

- Dr. Kyosuke Yamamoto – Soft Bank Corp.

- Kehua Wang– China Agricultural University


10:00 - 10.30

Coffee & Exhibition


10:30 - 12:00

Symposium:  Winter Stresses of  Turfgrass  (II):


Michelle DaCosta: Winter deacclimation dynamics in a changing climate


Sigrdiur Dalmannsdottir: Winter stresses of grasses in the Arctic


Dominic Petrella: How does light affect winter stress of turf? (25 minutes)



Symposium: Turfgrass Management in the Transition Zone (II):

10.30: Actions in USA

- Jim Kerns – North Carolina State University

11.00-11.30: Actions in Australia

- Prof. Chris Lambrides – University of Queensland

11.30-12.00: Final discussion and summary






12:00 – 12:30 

Conclusion of ITRC 2022


12:30 – 14:00

Farewell lunch, dismantling of posters


13:30 – 16:00

ITS Post conference board meeting





Pre-Conference Turfgrass Industry Session

There will be a special Pre-Conference Turfgrass Industry Session in the afternoon on Sunday, 10 July.

Innovation for a sustainable future

Innovation for a sustainable future is the focus for the Industry Seminar at ITRC2022. In this session the participating industry partners will give their reflections on:

  • Important global problems, trends, opportunities etcetera that will form the future. These could also be related to the Sustainable Development Goals in Agenda 2030.
  • Need for new knowledge, competence build-up etcetera to meet the future challenges.
  • Research and product development (Innovation activities) the company is involved in.
  • What are the demands/expectations, on the scientific community, to develop new knowledge to support sustainable development.
  • Examples on own innovative products, programs that will support sustainable development.
  • The presentations will be discussed and summarised “in plenum”, to form inputs to future strategic planning and ideas for further research and development.

ITRC 2022 Keynote speakers

The programme will include keynote addresses from internationally renowned government officials, scientists, and turfgrass managers focusing on the conference theme “Development and Sustainability” and Agenda 2030;

  • Keynote speaker: Leah A. Brilman: Dr. Leah Brilman is Product Manager for DLF-Pickseed/Seed Research of Oregon, a part of DLF.. She is a turfgrass breeder who focuses on breeding turfgrass cultivars with reduced inputs.  Dr. Brilman has been President of the Turfgrass Breeders Association, Chair of Turfgrass Division (C-5) of the Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), Board Member of the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, Chair and Member of Industry Committee of C-5 (Turfgrass) Division of CSSA  and Industry Representative on the CSSA Board
    Presentation title: "The Turfgrass Challenge– Documenting the Value of a Crop that Doesn’t Feed the World"
  • Keynote speaker: Simon Gibson: Senior sports turf and grounds manager at Leicester city football club managing the King power stadium and our womens training facility at Belvoir drive. Having worked over both sites for over 20 years after initially studying sports science at university I moved over into sports turf. Part of the senior management team at our award winning sports turf department having helped to grow the team from 4 staff to around 50.
    Presentation title: “The Leicester City Journey to a data driven approach” and “Developing and securing the next generation of Sports Turf students”
  • FN Sustainable Development Goals - The importance of the 17 FN Goals for sustainable development in the world and the implications for turfgrass management
    • Seeking Green Grass: Strong Sustainability for Golf and Turfgrass, Speaker: Robbie Fitzpatrick, University of St. Andrews, UK
    • Estimated energy use and greenhouse gas emissions associated with golf course turfgrass maintenance in the Northern USA, Speaker: Michael Bekken, Univeristy of Wisconsin, USA
    • Reduced phosphorus fertilization on golf courses: A comparison of three fertilizer recommendations for putting greens, Speaker: Anne F. Borchert, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)
    • Numerical Simulation of Water and Nitrogen Transport inThree Turf Species, Speaker: Kelly Kopp, Utah State University

Poster sessions

Posterswill be displayed on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday (11, 12 and 14 July) and one-minute oral synopses of posters will be featured. This, as well as a late-afternoon social hour in the poster viewing area, will entice meeting attendees to meet poster authors and discuss their latest findings over light refreshments and hors d’oeuvres.

Two special symposia

On the last conference day, Friday 15 July, delegates are invited to attend two parallel symposia of approximately four hours duration highlighting challenges for turfgrass management in two contrasting climatic zones: 

  • Winter cold zones: This symposium will be organized by a group of ITS members from North America and Scandinavia under the leadership of Dr. Eric Watkins, University of Minnesota. Topics include turfgrass selection and management in a changing winter climate, winter stress physiology, breeding of winter-hardy turfgrasses etc. 
  • Transition zone: This symposium will be set up by ITS members from Italy, Spain, USA and Japan under the leadership of Dr. Alessandro De Luca, Italian Golf Federation.